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Dog snail

A member registered Dec 03, 2018

Recent community posts

Thanks. I get the reason but it makes the game feel incomplete/glitchy to me.  

Do you know how to get Intelle back? I don't want to leave before saying goodbye to them. 

I like what the game is themewise but, I have no idea if this is a bug or you/the game urging me on to go complete the game. I keep getting an info message when I talk to any character instead of hearing dialogue. You and Carol chatted amicably for a few minutes is what pop ups in the dialogue box. Is that part of the theme for the game or just a user error on my end.

Anyways, does the game recognize only four chickens because I keep getting four eggs when I have five of em. How do I get Pony to rename the rest of the chickens?  Is there going to a sequel or something? Because I really love the vibes of this game. 

Well, that makes sense. 

Thanks for explaining the weirdness. 

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Can you explain why you have a f slur in the game? 

And why you have a bug where a character says they like sex?

Is it possible for this to come out on steam maybe in the future or no?

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1. I know a farming sim game, Village Monsters is doing early access and they generally update within a specific time frame and basically post on twitter/ game's discord when they update or having something new to show the players what's in store for the new update in case that's stuff not working properly code wise. Not sure if that you're willing to do but it's an option to make money and produce the game without having to worry about paying the bills or something. 

2. Glitched, a rpg didn't really do early access except allow certain players to buy stuff during a Kickstarter to have exclusive access to early builds/demos if they paid extra for it while offering steam keys too from what I remember And I think they made longer demos for the rest of the player base after a few months or so while ironing out the kinks and stuff. You could do something like that if you're up for it but it's up to you. 

Don't view it as taking money from people but us paying you extra to have you be able to work on the game without having to worry about juggling stuff or stressing out. And having  the player base offering suggestions to make the game better as you make the game. Or view it as getting paid extra while being given more work to do on your game if you view that way.  

3. I say a bit more because of multiple routes and stuff but I have no idea how long you're making the game.  Twenty bucks or twenty five if the game is longer than thirty hours or so. 

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Would you be willing to put the game in early access on steam? I like to be able to buy the game without having to wait for it and support you as dev.

Or are you taking preorders that will allow users to have acces to the early builds as you make it then full game access? 

Do you know what you're pricing the game as? Like twenty or thirty bucks or so? 

I'm stuck on level 19 and have no idea on how to beat the level. Does anyone have a video of the level or a tip to help?

Nah. I'll just wait to buy a new keyboard. 

Anyone know how to rebind the c key? My c key doesn't work on my keyboard.

Yeah, so why does the game have multiple save files then? Because that's odd to have that if we're only allowed one save file to use.

Thank you. So, can we use the other empty game savefiles for our current game or no? Or do we have to rely on the autosave feature for saving? And if not then, where do we go to save?

Did playing the game make your computer blue screened like mine did? Because I don't think the game plays well with windows 10 for some reason. 

There's multiple save files to use for the game. My save got wiped because playing No Delivery made my pc bluescreened for some reason. 

Does anyone know where you can save your game?